
a unique atmosphere

Still looking for the right location for your event or party? If you are looking for a cozy restaurant with that certain something, where you would like to celebrate your very special day on a large or small scale, then you might not need to look any further.

Whether it's your christmas party, a hearty rib dinner or a 6-course menu with varied entertainment, we'll be happy to organize and design your event and culinary selection.

Some extra ideas

  • Mulled wine and chestnuts by the open fire on the hotel terrace
  • Kitchen party - when preparing a course "live there" in the kitchen
  • Winter - BBQ and flambéed Kaiserschmarrn on the terrace
  • Traditional Christmas stories by the open fire
  • Exclusive Krampus Run
  • Quiet and romantic torchlight hike
  • Social curling in the garden
  • Fun night - tobogganing
  • Overnight stay in the Saliter Hof with late check-out and hangover breakfast




Wo kann Essen besser schmecken, als an einem Ort, der so liebevoll dekoriert ist, und sich heimelig anfühlt...
Im Saliter Hof in Saalfelden, Leogang natürlich!

Laut falstaff eines der besten Restaurants in Salzburg
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