Ayurveda for migraine

Many migraine sufferers are helped by oils of lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus or even lemon. These oils can be massaged into the temples, forehead, neck or feet. Enjoy a massage with the natural active ingredients.

Our offer

  • 3/7/14 nights
  • Culinary pampering - full board at the Saliterhof
  • Initial consultation with the Ayurveda specialist
  • daily approx. 4 Ayurveda treatments e.g. Shiroabhyanga head massage, Nasya nasal sinus cleansing or Shirodhara oil forehead cast
  • Use of wellness area and fitness room

Our offer

3 nights
7 nights
14 nights
1.1. - 31.12.2023

Anfrage Ayurveda bei Migräne

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